Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Positive Entry!

So believe it or not I am in a pretty good mood. Today we learnt how to bathe patients (partial baths). We practiced on friends! Honestly, it was awesome. I loved being bathed. It was so relaxing. She gave me a massage too! Felt weird with gloves on, but it was good. I enjoyed bathing her too, it was pretty easy and not so scary. We practiced perineal care on mannequins though, and I think that might be the only awkward part about bathing someone. Well, if the person is willing but if the patient isn't...I hope I don't get one of those in my clinical.

Next week we are learning hair washing, hand and foot nail care. Shaving! We get to shave eachothers legs. I think that will be awesome and hilarious!

We had a quiz in lab and I think I did really well. 85% and over! I will let you know when I get it back next wednesday but I am very confident. I did learn all of the body parts :) so I feel rather accomplished. The only things I forgot were what serous membrane surrounds the heart, and a question or two about directions (superior/inferior, lateral, proximal/distal) just because to me that stuff is kind of confusing. I didn't have a life model and we didn't study a human body yet. I think its assumed we know, and I know majority of them but still its nice to have a visual instead of trying to conjure it up in your mind!

I have a sociology of health and illness test on monday. I have to say that class is extremely boring...And then I have a professional growth mid term on thursday. So which means I need to read like 30 pages of Soc (all of chapter 1) and retain all that information. I've started taking notes but its so time consuming when you want to read and understand and make notes. Lets hope I can force myself to trudge through it! I will just...yea. Lol then I gotta get cracking on that assignment and essay! Eeep!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! You'll be fine. This is just a quick one cause I have to get myself ready for class this morning.

    Feeling really excited for you, keep with it when the going gets tough. And sometimes it does get very tough! With all medical words, think about what they sound like. For example : Proximal (In proximity, close) Distal (Distant, far)
