Monday, September 21, 2009

Edging towards the brink. Once again.

So I guess I will be starting a count of how many times I break down. I don't really know how I am going to manage, honestly.

First off, I am frustrated in general. I am tired, cranky and stressed out. I have assignments and papers up the wazoo, as well as studying for tests/midterms that are NEXT WEEK when I feel like we haven't even learnt anything really worthwhile, nevermind being tested on it! I'd much rather be tested on making a bed perfectly than attempting to describe all of the ways that you learn things through nursing. Knowledge of nursing, thats it.

Okay so first things first...

We have groups in many of our classes. I think its supposed to promote social interactions and the collaboration of ideas. Well we didn't get to pick this group...And its not turning out well already. We have to present this thing tomorrow, where we were assigned an age group, and had to describe all of the stages through our age group, prominent health issues and all that jazz. Not a big deal except that when me and my partner (BFF in nursing school) Joni, tried to assemble a group meeting to discuss what we were supposed to do no one seemed to really care. When we finally did get them together- they hadn't even started and we had already finished our sections. So we asked them if we were going to put together handouts for the class or a powerpoint of any type. The teacher had said it was going to be a simple presentation but you know, some people are over achievers *cough*. SO anyway. Monday rolls around I.e. today. And I am getting ready to talk to a group mate, Matthew. So I ask him what he had done. First off, he announces that him and the other girl in our group Ellaha got together and put together a slide show without even telling the rest of us (there are five of us in total). Not only that but they did it without including our parts. So the slideshow would look incomplete and as if we had not done anything. They didn't call, or e-mail or ANYTHING to let us know what was going on...So we ended up doing an emergency get together and telling Ellaha that we wanted in on this. We're supposed to work as a group...she said ok send me your stuff. So we did. She just wrote back saying that we would look at it tomorrow. How are we going to manage that? We have to present it tomorrow, and she never mentioned that she wanted to get together any time for anything before class, so how would I know if she wanted to get together before class? This is so frustrating. Our first group project and we're pretty much doing our own projects but we're supposed to be a group.

So that frustrates me to no end. Plus the fact that some people need to get serious and do the work. I like to get together and do homework, not get there and have the other one chat around with everyone who comes to visit and gets nothing done then freaks out that I finished my work and they are still not complete.

So far this blog is nothing but negatives, which is kind of making me sad. But its hard, really. And I don't know what to do about being constantly tired. I wake up from a full night of sleep, all ready for school. Get to class and feel like falling asleep, feel my head going down and my eyes closing and it is so hard to stop it. Not that I don't want to pay attention its like I can't, my body won't physically let me do it. No matter how much sleep I get, how much coffee I drink. Is there something wrong with me?

Bladfkajsfljkalfkajd. I am so tired I think I should just go to bed. Gotta get up semi-early to finalize my part of the presentation and just get my stuff together. I wish it was the weekend :(

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