Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I have a midterm today. I guess I'm not really prepared. I read the notes and studied a bit and am currently supposed to be studying, but really...who cares about life developpment. Not me! I could care less about these dumb theorists. Is that really going to help me be a better nurse?

Tomorrow I have an anatomy mid-term. Really now. They do it on purpose to cram everything together just to see if you will survive. How rude! I feel like it'll be super heavy. But I know the basics...so Hopefully!!

I get distracted very easily. Blaah.

I did realize that I am bound to have the same marks for the rest of the year...almost anything I've gotten back has been a 78%. Whyyyy. JUST under a 4.0. BRUTAL. Guess I need to try and get my gluteal in gearrrr! Oh I made a funny!

Okay for serious now. Onto finishing my bagel and studying. Hope hope...

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