Friday, October 23, 2009

Question for your nuses out there...or nursing students...

What was it like giving your first peri care to a patient? Tell me about your experience. I am dying of nervousness and anxiety just thinking about my first time....Oh dear.... :(

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I have a midterm today. I guess I'm not really prepared. I read the notes and studied a bit and am currently supposed to be studying, but really...who cares about life developpment. Not me! I could care less about these dumb theorists. Is that really going to help me be a better nurse?

Tomorrow I have an anatomy mid-term. Really now. They do it on purpose to cram everything together just to see if you will survive. How rude! I feel like it'll be super heavy. But I know the Hopefully!!

I get distracted very easily. Blaah.

I did realize that I am bound to have the same marks for the rest of the year...almost anything I've gotten back has been a 78%. Whyyyy. JUST under a 4.0. BRUTAL. Guess I need to try and get my gluteal in gearrrr! Oh I made a funny!

Okay for serious now. Onto finishing my bagel and studying. Hope hope...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Strange experiences!

So I've been super busy lately. Not to mention not home last night. Spent the night at a friends. We were all supposed to weep in sorrow together. Apparently only 12 out of the 62 students in my year passed the professional growth mid-term. Everyone checked their grades (who was at the sleepover) and they all said they had failed. I got really worried, checked my mark and- I passed!! I was so surprised. Not by much, and not a good grade either but I must say a pass in this stance is a lot better than a no-pass. Gives me an advantage to do well for my final mark. Better than if I had not passed it.

I've been doing decently so far. I would love to be doing better. Tomorrow I hand in my first paper and do my second lab quiz! Hopefully all goes well and I do well on the paper..I tried hard!

Off to study...blah :(