Monday, April 1, 2013

Arrggg.. Update

So its been ages... Sorry for not updating much more then that. I just haven't really been the blogging type. Anywho! I graduated from the PN program on May 25th 2012. I got my license and passed my CRPNE the first time I wrote. I got hired at the place I had done my final consolidation placement where I learned a lot. Mostly about inter-office politics and how nurses eat their young and all that crap. It wasn't the nicest. I realized there was a lot of responsibility for a nurse even just at the RPN level. Too much bullshit too. So I decided you know what, for the money I'm NOT making this isn't worth it. So I headed back into the land of BSCN! And here I am, in my last week of classes of second year. The year I originally dropped out and it makes me feel good that this time around I was able to make it to the end of my classes. I successfully passed my scenario testing. I have been hired at a local home care company for the summer doing Personal Support Work which is fine, I just needed a job that wasn't minimum wage. I didn't get hired at the new nursing home that is opening, despite the fact that my old boss had told me when I quite to return to school that she would put a good word in for me.. then it turns out she was doing the hiring.. and I even called her to ask if she had received my resume. Nothing. People can be so... nasty. So now its onto studying for a final pathophysiology in class quiz, then nursing practice final, clinical chemistry (yuck) final and patho then im done and its onto year three!! Even though I still feel like school will take a long time to finish I'm happy I made the decision to come back. I wouldn't say I've made friends because we all know I can't tolerate a lot of people but as a whole they are a very nice friendly class that works together. Not try to bring each other down which is a lot more than I can say about the previous class I was with in the BSCN who is coincidentally graduating this year. Try not to be bitter. Lol.

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