Monday, July 11, 2011


So I dropped down to the PN level from the BScN RN level.

I am so sick of school I could puke. Its been so long.. I've been in school my entire existence minus 2.5 years of being a babbling, drooling and pooping baby. I took half the semester off and only finished one of the classes in fourth semester that I deemed necessary for moving forward in the PN program...

And now I am enrolled in three summer classes.

1) English 1
2) Business Report Writing
3) Introduction to Sociology.

Mostly a bunch of bull. I've written advanced university papers that were wroth 60% of my mark and gotten A's. I know how to write english. I was in a UNIVERSITY nursing program. And yet they feel its necessary for me to take this dumb class that is teaching me (or re-teaching, I should say) how to put sentences and phrases together and proper english grammar. Kill me now?

Don't even get me started on Business Report Writing... And Intro to Soc? Guess they'd rather me take a general sociology than count the SOCIOLOGY FOR HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE that I took first semester of RN. Whatevs.

In the fall I need to take some general education class thats a pile of crap. But it needs to be done.

Oh and I don't even know if I have a spot yet. Its all based on first come first serve for those who weren't entering from first year. Its all bull. I don't know what I will do if they don't have a spot for me. Probably explode.